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  3. Managing Quotes and Invoices

Duplicating Quotes and Invoices

If the need arises, you are able to duplicate quotes and invoices in Paycove. The copy that you create will contain much of the same information as the original, with a few exceptions. (See our list on this towards the end of this article!)

To duplicate a quote/invoice, just open it in Paycove and find the Related Deals section on the right sidebar. You can then choose to create a new copy as a quote or invoice using the dropdown. (We will create a duplicate quote in this example.) Then click Create.

After that, a copy will be generated, and you will automatically be redirected to the duplicate quote/invoice. Text should appear at the top of the page saying, "New quote/invoice created!" Take note of the new invoice # and URL. This new copy will display a dash and one "-1" after it. Notice that the custom ID number may stay the same or change depending on your numbering convention between quotes and invoices.


Note: You can create and delete as many copies of a quote or invoice as you need, and the URL will change to reflect this. For example, if you were to continue making copies, the number after the dash would increase (-2, -3, -4, and so on).

You will now see that clickable links to both the original and the duplicate appear in the Related Deals section, in both versions. The original will be labeled as "Primary."

Important: After this, any changes that you make in Paycove on either individual quote/invoice will not carry over to the other - they can be modified independently. However, be aware that if you resync the quote/invoice with your CRM, the independent changes you've made will be overwritten.

For a quick guide on what information will and will not stay the same on a duplicate quote/invoice, please see the lists below:

Information that stays the same on the duplicate

  • Deal Name
  • Contact, unless you have changed the deal's contact since creating the duplicate
  • CRM stage
  • Template
  • Deal total
  • Products may or may not be applied, depending on your CRM
  • Editable text such as Customer Details, Account Details, Details section (except for "Created" date), Description, Payment Terms, Notes, and Footer

Information that is different on the duplicate

  • Quote/Invoice URL
  • ID number
  • "Created" date
  • Scheduled Payments are not applied, so you may need to add them to the duplicate manually
    • Because of this, the Due Date may differ
  • Products will not be pulled in, for Pipedrive users (though deal total remains the same)
  • Taxes, fees, or discounts that were set in Paycove on the original quote/invoice are not copied
  • File attachments are not copied

What if I delete the original quote/invoice, after making the duplicate?

if you delete the original quote/invoice, a few small changes will occur:
  • The duplicate quote/invoice will now take on the appearance of the original one, except for the information that doesn't transfer over, as described above.
  • Only one link will appear in the Related Deals section, and the duplicate will now be labeled as "Primary."
  • The"-1" in the URL will disappear from the duplicate. You'll get an Oops page if you try to visit the URL with the "-1."
  • If the original invoice was already paid, the duplicate invoice will still say "Unpaid." However, you'll still find evidence of the original's past payment(s) in the duplicate's Payments section.
  • If you delete the original and then resync the duplicate with your CRM, the duplicate's information will update, and it will be treated as the original.

Have questions on this? Feel free to reach out to us at support@paycove.io.