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Canceling an Invoice After It's Been Sent

Sometimes a deal falls through or needs to be canceled for one reason or another. It's a part of business. But if you've already sent an invoice to the customer, you can't exactly erase it. Instead, you can send the customer an updated version of the invoice, having the total set to zero. This invoice will serve to show the customer that they no longer owe any money, and they can also use it as a receipt of sorts for the cancellation. 

There are a few simple steps you can take to change the deal total to zero and resend the updated invoice. You'll first change the deal total in HubSpot, and then you'll do the rest in Paycove:

Note: If you're looking to refund the customer, take a look at this article.

Setting the Deal Total to Zero

If You Use Products Through Your CRM

Changing the deal total to zero basically consists of setting the particular deal's line items to zero. It is essential that you change the price in the following way, because you only want to change the item total within the particular deal. You don't want to accidentally change the item's cost across all levels.

First, open the deal in your CRM (HubSpot is used in this tutorial, so the process will be a little different if you use a different CRM such as Pipedrive.) Look on the right side where it shows the Line Items, and click Edit.

edit product price in a single dealYou'll be taken to a new page where you'll set the Unit Price to zero. Doing so will only change the product amount for this deal.

change unit price to zeroClick Save.
A modal should then appear asking if you'd like to update the deal amount. Click Update Deal Amount.
update deal amount modal
Go back to the deal (still in HubSpot), and the total should say $0.00.

Resyncing and Resending the Invoice

Next, open the deal in Paycove and Resync the deal with the CRM. (Using the CRM extension on the right side of the page, for example.)
The deal total should update to $0.00, and you can then click Review and Send.

send deal with new total of zero

A modal will appear showing the email that will be sent to the customer, along with a few other settings that you can change. You can update the subject and body text of this email to anything you want. You can let them know that the old version of the invoice is now void, and this is the new invoice which shows that they now owe $0.00 instead of the old total. When you're done, click Send at the bottom of the modal.
email modal

If You Use Paycove Products

If you use Paycove products instead of products through your CRM, the process will be quick. You can simply open the deal in Paycove and manually change the the deal total. Setting the Unit Price to zero or setting the discount to 100% are two way to do so. Make sure to save your changes.

Paycove products

This final step is the same as the last step described in the previous section. Click Review and Send, and then in the email modal that appears, update the subject and body text. Send the new email, and the customer can use the updated invoice as proof that the deal has been effectively canceled.

If you want to simply change the invoice's total instead of canceling it completely, you can follow the same process described here, except you'll enter the desired amount instead of zero. Contact us at support@paycove.io for more help.