Quote and Invoice IDs

Quote and invoice numbers display a certain way by default, but Paycove allows you to customize these elements. This ability ensures compliance with accounting regulations in your region, and it also gives you more organizing freedom and control over your invoicing process.

Customize Quote/Invoice Precursor and ID

By default, you will see the following displayed at the top of a quote or invoice: the word "Quote" or "Invoice" followed by "#," and then the ID number. This ID number is pulled in from your CRM. See the image below for an example of this.


Whether it's due to your country's regulations or simply personal preference, you can create a customized numbering system within the template editor. Simply open any template, locate the Number Precursor section, and click Edit. A modal with a few editable sections will open. We've added our own text in this example. Read on for descriptions of each section.


  • Quote/Invoice Number Precursor - This is what appear before the numbers itself. It can be a word, phrase, or symbol.
  • Starting Numbers (Invoices) and Starting Numbers (Quotes) - These refer to the number itself. They are in two separate sections since you can customize each one. You can set the number at which you quotes and invoices will begin here. From there, they will count up with each quote or invoice created. Know that once you set this number, all existing and new quotes/invoices will follow this format. In other words, this will change the numbers of your existing quotes/invoices. So be aware of that before making this change.
  • Use CRM's Deal Name as the Quote/Invoice Number - Check this box if you'd like to select this option.

In our example, we used "Bill Number:" for the precursor, and "24100" for the starting invoice number. So below is what our Invoices table now looks like. Note that some invoice numbers may appear to be missing or out of order, and this depends on factors such as whether or not it began as a quote, and whether it was created in the CRM versus directly in Paycove.


Note: The changes you make will be applied across ALL quotes and invoices, regardless of template. 

Advanced Customization

Using an "if statement" with Liquid templating allows you to customize the name for quotes and invoices to be dependent on given traits of the deals. For example, maybe you want the words "Quote" and "Invoice" to always be in German. You would then add this line to your Quote/Invoice Number Precursor:

 {% if deal.type == "invoice" %}Rechnung{% else %}Angebot{% endif %} 

This will cause invoices to say "Rechnung" and quotes to say "Angebot" before their assigned number. You can copy and paste the above code and replace the two words with ones of your choosing. Learn more about Liquid syntax and "if statements" in this video.

Customize ID on Individual Quote/Invoice Only

To edit a specific quote/invoice number, select the quote/invoice from the table in Paycove and edit the number. This will override the standard number established from the overall account rules.

edit individual

If you'd like to learn about the Quote and Invoice table pages, then check out this article

Still need assistance with quote and invoice ID numbers? Then feel free to reach out to us at support@paycove.io, and we'd be glad to help.